Senin, 22 September 2014

Autobiography- Ayu Nandini

by Ayu Nandini
            My name is Ayu Nandini Prameswari. I was born on the 8th of August 1998. I am currently an 11th grade student at SMA Labschool Kebayoran. I am the daughter of Bondan Pandit Ardi and Diah Rachmawaty. I only have one sibling, that is my sister, who is called Lintang Kirana Sitaputri.
            I started my official education at Al-Azhar 17 Bintaro for kindergarten and elementary. At the 5th grade of elementary school, I had an unforgettable experience of travelling alone without my parents. I went on a homestay to Singapore for 2 weeks. I went there with bunch of kids from EF around Indonesia. It’s called a homestay, but we didn’t stay at a foster parents house, but we stayed at a resort together. I graduated elementary school with scores that I’m really not proud of. So I promise myself to get better scores ahead.
            I continued my education at SMP Labschool kebayoran. I had many memorable experiences too here. One of my junior highschool experience was that I went to Tidung Island with my friends. We went there by boat for hours, and we stayed at a small house there.
            At the 8th grade, I went to Belitung Island for an exchange student program with some other kids. We stayed there for more than 1 week. At Belitung, every one of us students got paired up with one of the students from Belitung. So we stayed at our partners home while we were staying at Belitung. Belitung was such a memorable experience for me because of the student exchange I go to know how life in Belitung is. Living in Belitung was so much simpler than living in Jakarta.
At the 7th grade I started playing softball and I never regretted my decision to start playing softball again. I was once in a baseball team when I was little, but I quit back then. Since I started playing softball, I got to play on some of the softball tournaments in Jakarta. But, the best tournament was when I got to join the Jakarta All-stars team to represent Jakarta at the South East Asia Youth Baseball Softball Tournament 2014 that was held in Philippines.
At the 9th grade I went to my dream city, Seoul. I went there with my family, and it has become the most exciting vacation I had with my family. Unfortunately, we only stayed in Seoul for 5 days which is very short for a vacation in Seoul. So, we had limited time to explore the city of Seoul. Seoul was such a beautiful city, filled with the Korean culture everywhere you go. I hope that I can travel to Seoul again, but this time I planned to go with my friends.

I graduated junior highschool, proudly with good scores. I kept up to my old promise back then when I was in the elementary school, that is to get better scores ahead.
The latest trip I went was with my highschool friends to Europe. We went to Europe for a tour and for a dance festival at Poland. We spent 3 weeks together at Europe, and it has been by far the most memorable trip ever.

After I finish highschool, I hope that I can continue my education to the University of Indonesia (UI) for the Law Faculty, and hoping to be a part of the United Nation, and after I finish my education hopefully I can travel around the world with my loved ones.

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